Old Roman Jokes

Think today's humor is unique?  Not quite....

Classic gags discovered in ancient Roman joke book (by Alison Flood of The Guardian):
"We may admire the satires of Horace and Lucilius, but the ancient Romans haven't hitherto been thought of as masters of the one-liner. This could be about to change, however, after the discovery of a classical joke book.  Celebrated classics professor Mary Beard has brought to light a volume more than 1,600 years old, which she says shows the Romans not to be the "pompous, bridge-building toga wearers" they're often seen as, but rather a race ready to laugh at themselves."

Seeing the real Rome

Interesting article....

De-Romanticizing Rome (by Amber Ruth Paulen):
"Judging by the bookshelves, Rome has been condensed into a mere repetition of themes: what tasty food, passionate people, beautiful art, ancient ruins, and history! Is that all there is to Rome?  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Then, I wonder, why do writers tend to jump into the same old rut?"